Saturday, June 13, 2020

Get Inside Your Recruiters Head

Get Inside Your Recruiters Head The best executive resume format can help you reach recruiters. Imagine the excitement you feel when you’re contacted by a recruiter for the job of your dreams.  If you want to increase the number of contacts you make, it’s important to use the  best executive resume format, as well as an effective cover letter for your resume. Thinking like your recruiter will ensure you understand what they’re looking for and increase the chances they will contact you over the other candidates. Good Searches Are Essential When you post your executive resume bio, you need to make sure it is fully searchable to increase the chances recruiters will find you. In general, blogs can be difficult to search. However, social media sites, such as LinkedIn, are highly searchable. Always fill out your profile as much as possible to ensure your profile will hit more frequently. Be Careful of Your Friends You may think who you’re friends with doesn’t matter, but in the recruiting world, it really does. What your friends say and do on your social media profiles can have a dramatic impact on how recruiters and prospective employers see you. While you don’t have to cut out all of your friends, make sure photos are properly filtered and prevent your friends from posting information about you to your profile. All it takes is one bad post and it can ruin your entire reputation among recruiters and businesses alike. Be a Thought Leader Businesses want employees who are able to think for themselves and will be positive contributors to the workplace. For this reason, it can be invaluable to write articles for your industry, even if you submit them on an unpaid basis. Recruiters often use your name to search for published works that may be attributed to you. This will showcase you as a thought leader in your field and can increase the chances you will be recruited. Do Some Research Just like website content, the best executive resume format is focused on keywords. Many recruiters now use software to look for certain key words or phrases within your  executive resume bio. If they can’t be found, you won’t be contacted. If you aren’t sure which words would be most useful to you, some research into your industry can help. It can also help to post different versions of your resume on various sites and see which ones perform best. Do Your Best It’s not all about your  cover letter and resume. Many recruiters will look within companies for their top performers to attempt to recruit them for bigger and better things. While you can boost your chances by adjusting your resume and cover letter, one of the best things you can do is excel at your job. When you stand out and are recognized, recruiters will take notice.

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