Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile to Your Position

How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile to Your Position LinkedIn is an important tool that recruiters use to find potential candidates and clients with over 500 million users, youre sure to find exactly who youre looking for.  On the flip side of this, its also an important place for those looking for suitable jobs and roles. You can display skills and experience as well as your personality and the things that  set you apart from others. But with millions of users on the largest professional network, it can be easy to get lost in the crowds of job seekers and recruiters. Thats why its important to utilize your profile to make yourself a stand-out LinkedIn user. No matter your role, there are ways to improve and impress. Student: Your profile image should be professional but still have some personality. You can be professional and not be a robot! Your profile should be saturated in keywords. Put them in your headline, as this is the place where keywords will improve your search ranking. The higher in your profile the better, but dont forget to include industry relevant keywords in your Summary and Experience sections too. Yes, you really do have experience! Include summer jobs, internships and volunteering. Include rich media in your experience. They pack a punch! Rising professional: Don’t use your job title in your headline. Illustrate your experience and  highlight a passion or two. Did you know that profiles with a photo get 14x more profile views than those that dont. You NEED a profile photo. Have a warm and welcoming expression in your headline. Write your summary in a conversational tone. It should read like you were sharing your accomplishments with a friend. prioritize your skills and endorsements. SMB/Entrepreneur: Upload a custom header photo to your profile. It will make an impact and show off your brand. Use bullet points when describing yourself in your summary or in experience. It will stop people from switching off whilst reading your profile. Use your summary to show off the human side or your company. Create a sense of trust and comfort. Use the experience section as your own personal portfolio of work by uploading rich media. Recommendations make you look reliable. Ask connections and previous clients to give you a short recommendation. Senior leader: Use the header to inject some personality and show off your career highlights. Did you know that LinkedIn users with volunteer experience get 6x more profile views than those who don;t. Write a post to expand your network beyond your connections, and share your insight. Include your volunteer experience. Include your certifications. It will show that you’ve kept your skills sharp! RELATED:  How to Recruit on LinkedIn â€" 15 Practical Tips

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